Jumper: Crypto’s Everything Exchange

Mark Murdock
LI.FI Blog
Published in
4 min readMar 1, 2023


Using crypto sucks, long live crypto.


LI.FI believes that crypto is the future (long live crypto), yet LI.FI also believes that crypto is currently not a good enough solution for mainstream users (using crypto sucks).

That’s why LI.FI is launching Jumper.Exchange: Crypto’s Everything Exchange.

The problem Jumper solves is simple. Jumper lets you swap any token on chain, using any bridge and any DEX.

As we said, it is “Crypto’s Everything Exchange”.

The Problem Jumper is Solving

Crypto is multi-chain and difficult to navigate.

Ethereum, alt-L1s, L2s, app-chains: each of these chains are non-fungible and isolated from each other, as blockchains cannot communicate directly with each other. Due to this communication issue, a growing number of cross-chain “solutions” have been built called “bridges”, which connect these blockchains by allowing users to move tokens, data, and other stuff from one blockchain to another. On top of chains and bridges is another layer of DEXs that connect users to liquidity — most bridges only support a limited number of tokens, so DEXs are used on the source and destination chain to swap into the user’s desired token.

The end result → for users wanting to navigate the cross-chain world, the journey is treacherous, full of sketchy websites, illiquid tokens, and annoying, spammy Google searches.

Here’s an example look of what a non-Jumper user may have to do to compare routes, bridge, and swap MATIC on Polygon to AVAX on Avalanche (and remember, each step is a new website):

As you can see, cross-chain transfers are hard! Each bridge/DEX/chain combination comes with unique tradeoffs in terms of transaction time, cost, speed, security, and clicks.

This is difficult! Users should not need to understand the above transactions…

Jumper: Crypto’s Everything Exchange

Jumper is the best place to swap, bridge, trade, and/or transfer tokens.

We have aggregated (combined) the biggest and best liquidity sources (think bridges and DEXs) into a single interface — and it works on all of your favorite chains. Jumper will also have a new Gas feature that allows you to easily get gas on a new chain!

Jumper supports 20 chains:

  • including Ethereum, Arbitrum, Polygon, Avalanche, BNB Chain, and more)

Jumper routes users through 30 DEXs:

  • including Uniswap, 1inch, Paraswap, Sushi, Quickswap, Pancake, Pangolin, and more

Jumper maintains 15+ bridge integrations:

  • including Connext, Multichain, Hop, Stargate, Across, cBridge, Hyphen, and more

Jumper is Crypto’s Everything Exchange.

Swap any token. From here to anywhere. Jumper will find you a route and get you there.

The Details

Jumper automatically recommends a route that best combines the security, speed, number of clicks, and cost of a certain token combination.

Each Jumper trade comes with all sorts of information, including:

  • estimated gas fee
  • estimated bridge fee
  • name of bridge + DEX being used
  • number of clicks necessary
  • estimated time of tx

Jumper can be optimized for every unique bridging experience — Jumper users have the ability to choose from a wide variety of routes because we know that sometimes users want to optimize for different things 🙂

Onboarding the Next Billion Users

Jumper.Exchange is two sides of the same coin.

On the one side, Jumper is crypto’s solution to an age-old problem: how does a degen receive an asset on a new chain without going through a CEX?

On the other side, Jumper is crypto’s solution to an age-old problem: how does a normie receive an asset on a new chain without losing all their money in DeFi?

Jumper is both your one-stop degen swap and the website you send your grandma to when she says she wants to get into crypto.

All that’s left to do is for you to Make. The. Jump @ jumper.exchange.

Get Started With LI.FI Today

For more information about the LI.FI protocol,

or try our any-2-any swaps NOW at jumper.exchange

Disclaimer: This article is only meant for informational purposes. The projects mentioned in the article are our partners, but we encourage you to do your due diligence before using or buying tokens of any protocol mentioned. This is not financial advice.

